Tue, 10 January 2012 08:30 |
Hi there. In order to keep these forums spam-free I filter all account requests manually; for example, I quickly check to ensure an applicant's IP and email address have never been associated with spam attacks on other forums.
That's the *sole* purpose of the filtering process: I maintain no blocklist or banlist for any other reason except spam, so if you're a real person and you've been refused entry, it's because you've been mistakenly identified as a spammer, full stop.
Spammers are still easy to spot and I don't think I've made any mistakes yet, but I mention this because they're growing more frequent, sophisticated and convincing as time goes by, so the chance that I'll accidentally block a real person is going up. If you're an actual person reading this and you've been refused entry, shoot me a quick email at the address link at the bottom of the page and I'll let you in.
[I might have one or two quick questions about your PARIS rig but I guarantee they'll be nothing a real person can't answer - or explain why they can't. ]
"... being bitter is like swallowing poison and waiting for the other guy to die..." - anon
[Updated on: Sat, 31 March 2012 08:43] Report message to a moderator