Has this ever happened to you? [message #75583] |
Tue, 07 November 2006 20:53  |
So I'm working on this project tonight, recording 6 singers on 3 mics, for
a total of 4 passes saved. 12 tracks. The last take was the best, so we
went to work tweaking, tuning, slipping and sliding to match phrasing w/
old vocals. An hour and a half later we're done tweaking, it's time to begin
mixing. I begin playback from the top. The new tracks aren't playing.
I look at the edit window. All the new tracks and little rendered sections
where I tuned are blank. I open the audio window thinking that somehaow
Paris has lost track of their locations. I search for files. The last take's
3 tracks are gone, as are most of the tuned/tweaked bits and pieces. All
that remain are the little files from using the Paris pitch shift function
(which I sometimes do when AutoTune can't or won't work - like tuning a track
w/ 2 or 3 voices on it).
I look at my client (fortunately a good friend and very philosophical kind
of guy) and say "I wish I could offer you something more than an apology,
but the tracks are gone." I tried scavenging the disk w/ Disk Warrior (I'm
a Mac guy) to no avail. As I write this Norton Utilities is searching for
.paf files. I have at least one other option for looking for deleted files,
but for some reason I'm not feeling overly optimistic.
Has anything like this ever happened to any of you folks? Could this be
a sector of my HD suddenly gone bad? Is there some Paris bug that deletes
files if you hit a certain key sequence?
Gantt Kushner
Gizmo Recording Company
Silver Spring, MD