Generally, messages on the forum are mostly plain text, however on occasion you may want to add some formatting to your text, such as making certain words bold, italics, etc...
Since in most cases the admin does not permit you to use HTML inside your posts, you can use BBcode, which is a special set of tags that allows you to apply certain formatting to your text. BBcode is very easy to use and is a lot more secure than HTML.
URL Hyperlinking
Explanation: FUDforum will automatically pick up URLs and convert them to valid URLs.
Explanation: You also can define URLs with BBcode, this is an simple example of its use.
BBcode |
Result |
[url=] My Homepage [/url] |
My Homepage |
Explanation: You can use BBcode to make URLs with a self-chosen caption.
Email Hyperlinking
Explanation: FUDforum will automatically convert email links into working hyperlinks.
Explanation: You can use BBcode to make email links with a self-chosen caption.
Text Styling
BBcode |
Result |
[b]bold[/b] |
bold |
BBcode |
Result |
[u]underlined[/u] |
underlined |
BBcode |
Result |
[i]italicized[/i] |
italicized |
BBcode |
Result |
[sub]subscript[/sub] |
subscript |
BBcode |
Result |
[sup]superscript[/sup] |
superscript |
BBcode |
Result |
[color=red]red text[/color] |
red text |
BBcode |
Result |
[size=4]big text[/size] |
big text |
BBcode |
Result |
[font=courier]text[/color] |
text |
BBcode |
Result |
[b][u][i][color=red][size=4][font=courier] Formatted Text [/font][/size][/color][/i][/u][/b]
Formatted Text |
Explanation: You can use as much text styling tags together as you like.
Text Alignment
BBcode |
Result |
[align=center]centered text[/align] |
centered text |
BBcode |
Result |
[align=right]right aligned[/align] |
right aligned |
BBcode |
Result |
[align=left]left aligned[/align] |
left aligned |
Various Lists
BBcode |
Result |
[list] [*]list item [*]list item [/list]
BBcode |
Result |
[list type=1] [*]list item [*]list item [/list]
- list item
- list item
BBcode |
Result |
[list type=a] [*]list item [*]list item [/list]
- list item
- list item
Adding Images
BBcode |
Result |
[img] [/img] |
BBcode |
Result |
[url=] [img] [/img] [/url] |
Explanation: You can use BBcode to create linked images by enclosing the [img][/img] tag with the [url][/url] tag.
Wrap text around images
BBcode |
Result |
[imgr] [/imgr] Some text to the left. |
Some text to the left. |
Explanation: You can use BBcode to wrap text smoothly around images by enclosing the image url within [imgl][/imgl] "image left" or [imgr][/imgr] "image right" tags. These may also be used in conjunction with other text alignment and styling tags.
Quoting other messages
BBcode |
Result |
[quote]Hello World[/quote] |
Quote:Hello World |
Pre-formatted Text
BBcode |
Result |
$fp = fopen('somefile', 'w'); if ( !$fp ) { exit('no such file!'); } else { fwrite($fp, 'hello world'); fclose($fp); }
[/pre] |
$fp = fopen('somefile', 'w'); if ( !$fp ) { exit('no such file!'); } else { fwrite($fp, 'hello world'); fclose($fp); }
Explanation: This tag produces the text exactly as it was typed maintaining the formatting.
PHP Code
BBcode |
Result |
function hello()
echo "Hello World!";
[/php] |
function hello() { echo "Hello World!"; }
hello(); ?>
Explanation: The [php][/php] tag allows to post PHP-code with automatic syntax highlighting by the forum.
Non-PHP Program Code
BBcode |
Result |
[code]$fp = fopen('somefile', 'w'); if ( !$fp ) { exit('no such file!'); } else { fwrite($fp, 'hello world'); fclose($fp); }
$fp = fopen('somefile', 'w'); if ( !$fp ) { exit('no such file!'); } else { fwrite($fp, 'hello world'); fclose($fp); }
Explanation: The [code][/code] tag works pretty much the same way as the [pre][/pre] tag but it puts a visually identifiable box around the text.
No Tag
Explanation: The
[notag][/notag] tag allows you to have the text inside
the tags not be parsed by the FUDforum's tag parser. This allows you to give examples of BBcode
and not have them converted to equivalent HTML.
Horizontal Line Tag
Explanation: The [hr] tag produces a horizontal line, it is an equivalent to the
HTML tag.
BBcode |
Result |
Visible part of the message
Hidden part of the message
More visible text. |
Visible part of the message
More visible text. |
Explanation: The [spoiler][/spoiler] tag allows you to hide a portion of message from being displayed. To see the hidden portion the users must click a link that will display the hidden portion of the text. Internally this is accomplished by JavaScript so the page is not actually reloaded, instead a hidden layer is made visible.
BBcode |
Result |
[acronym=Fast Uncompromising Discussion Forum] FUDforum [/acronym] |
FUDforum |
Explanation: The [acronym][/acronym] tag allows you to identify the text as an acronym and provide a full name when the user moves their mouse over the tag.
BBcode |
Result |
[wikipedia=en]FUDforum[/wikipedia] |
FUDforum |
Explanation: The [wikipedia][/wikipedia] tag allows you to create a reference to a wikipedia page based on the subject. To use the tag, surround the term with [wikipedia] tags, if you want to link to a particular wikipedia mirror you can use [wikipedia=ca] format for openning the tag, where ca is the prefix of the mirror.