> Things could be worse.
> Gene
>I'M enjoying my Ipod immensly at this monent.
EK Sound <> wrote:
>Which begs the question... why are pro-audio manufacturers constantly
>raising the bar, when consumers are lowering it? It makes no sense...
>gene lennon wrote:
>> Over the years we have all seen the standards for audio go up and down
>> the waveform displays we spend so may hours staring at.
>> Who remembers the Walkman, or cassettes in general?
>> I always liked, � I want my records to sound good when I play them on
>> Nakamichi with the chrome button in�. This from a major label A&R �professional�.
>> In our world listening in a car or over the mono speaker on a Studer Two-Track
>> or over Auratones was always part of the process, but hopefully not the
>> 8 tracks.
>> Cassettes.
>> AM Radio.
>> Boom Boxes.
>> Silvertone Mono Record Players with 1Lb. Tone Arms and needles shaped
>> old shoemakers awls.
>> It�s hard to argue that the average listeners standards have always been
>> fairly low.
>> Lately MP3s have been getting beat up a lot for being such a shit-poor
>> but actually MP3s can sound considerably better than anything on the above
>> list.